Tuesday 24 September 2013

Shop Online and learn all about money!

This game is great for students who are learning their alphabet and learning to pronounce letters. It is fun and engaging for younger students in Kindergarten!

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Game Website!

FunBrain!!! http://www.funbrain.com
Has many games for all subject areas.

Connect the Dots Game is a wonderful math game: Help Salvabear Dali finish his portraits of his friends by clicking on the dots in each picture in the correct order.
This is a great game for younger children who are still learning their numbers. 

Math Baseball is another game which will give you a math problem. This is great practice for subtraction, addition, multiplication and division. 


Useful practice websites!

Hello Parents!

These are some useful sites where your children can do practice tests!

This link is useful for grade JK-11Math:

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A practice link for English tests (ESL students):

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Printable sheets & tests for ESL students:

Fun science & technology for kids!
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Resource Post

This is a kid friendly search engine site, safe and easy!

Kid Rex
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Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Kindergarten at Senator Gibson Public School. My name is Ms. Singh and I am going to be your child's Kindergarten teacher this year!  I am looking forward to a fabulous fall, especially with your children in my class. Our days and weeks will be filled with many wonderful experiences and opportunities for leaning and growing. I really hope your child is excited about beginning the school year. All of the anxieties about the "newness" will soon disappear and we will all be having such a great time as we start learning our routines and making friends to enjoy throughout the year. I am sure you have many questions about your child's kindergarten year, so I hope this newsletter will answer many of them. If I do not answer all of questions, please feel free to contact me at the school.

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Thank you,

Ms. Singh