Tuesday 1 October 2013

Ontario Curriculum : Science and Technology

Overview Expectations: 

2. conduct simple investigations through free exploration, focused exploration, 

and guided activity, using inquiry skills (questioning, planning, predicting,

observing, communicating);

In full day kindergarten children it is play based which arises many inquiry questions. They are free to explore outside and in the classroom with the guided centres. It is interesting to see how students get creative with all the tools and equipment provided; they may or may not be used for the correct purposes. For example, a student the other day comes inside with a rock. I sat with the student and asked him series of questions to get him/her thinking. Where, who, what etc questions while observing and communicating with me. It is incredible to listen to students and their answers, explorations. 

This information is provided in the Full Day Early Learning Program Curriculum under the Science and Technology section Page 114. The link is provided below!

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